Why Is Packaging Design Important ?
The product packaging design plays a very important role in branding your items in the retail environment. One thing that should be noted is…
The product packaging design plays a very important role in branding your items in the retail environment. One thing that should be noted is…
Beyond just a memorable logo, good branding increases the value of a company, provides employees with direction and motivation, and makes acquiring…
Gift giving is an act that can show that you are thankful. Giving and receiving is the purest of reasons to give gifts. The…
好的包装能够带来好的体验,这不仅是视觉上,而且在功能上也是一样。用户好的体验就是品牌传播最有效的途径。 那么包装的重要程度,就需要看产品的用途,客户定位以及产品的属性: 主打产品功能的科技类产品包装视觉设计其实并不是特别的重要。更多的是在内部结构以及运输保护这方面的功能。因为消费者在前期关注的是产品的性能,决定是否买这款产品的核心点在于产品的本身而不是包装。包装只是在决定买了之后,看到实际的产品,会给客户多了一种感受,给人整个的体验会非常棒,增加客户的忠诚度。人靠衣装,食品靠包装。我们常说吸睛,在这个看脸的时代,包装设计的创意与创新也成为了抓住消费者眼球的首要条件。虽然我们都知道,包装设计的好坏不等于企业的好坏,但是消费者都会有先入为主的概念,如果一个企业连包装设计都不重视,哪会重视产品的质量?无可厚非,评价产品首要是品质,但是品质过后,更重要的是包装设计。